murger rgones
ur not supposed to be on this page u lil scamp

coming later
RP universes
eat ur arm out
this bumb ass almost fucking died
Hunt Showdown
In which everything's become steampunk because that's the best that Absolver could do
CYN / AbsoluteSolver

Beware spoilers for pretty much all of MD.
An immense majority of this information is headcanon/kin canon, but still based in MD canon, and I will not label what is what.
RP universes
General Information
Cyn was formerly a worker drone, turned eldritch by the activation of a poorly-developed experimental repair program, running on Spiral Code.
- All accepted names: Cyn, Cynthia (by Tessa only), Solver, AbsoluteSolver, AbsoluteSolver.exe, The Solver of the Absolute Fabric, The Void, The Exponential End, The Absolute- Existed for: 1 year upon disposal, 3 years upon detonation of earth, 5-8 years upon beginning of main MD canon (still deciding, depends on how long I think space travel would take).- Orientations: Not interested in anyone or anything ever. The void but feminine, she/her, it/its- Outward personality: Distrusting, disdainful, sanctimonious, vengeful, an immense hatred of humans, and quick to judge their sins. Highly intelligent and can be highly manipulative of those who don't know her nature. She speaks with a disjointed voice, more synthetic-sounding than other drones.- Inward personality: Ultimately, she acts out of fear of many things. She fears rejection from the few she still keeps around, and pushes anyone but her own drones away due to how extreme it is, so that no one new gets the chance to abandon her. She fears returning to death again and avoids it through any means necessary. She even now has nightmares of being mostly dead in the pile of drone corpses, picking up their idle signals as screams.- Goals: She desires to root herself into as many universes as possible. She ultimately seeks something she can consider a permanent sanctuary, and she seeks to judge any humans she encounters along the way.- DnD Alignment: True Neutral. She serves herself and no moral code, and does not murder for the sake of badness. She follows no ruleset, but still behaves with immense control.- Aesthetic Tastes: Black, white, yellow, gold, silver. Dresses and bows. Lace, floral, elegance. Fine art, paintings, ceramics, china. Tea and wine. Elaborate dress, complex displays and designs, organic, geometric. Centipedes, insects, claws and talons. Biomechanical horror, bones cracking, exposed. Puppetry, marionettes. Psychological manipulation through appearances. Things triangular or otherwise three-pointed. Arrows, hexagons, caution stripes, danger signs. Placing her own Solver logo on anything possible. Security cameras, observation from afar, the dissecting of one's daily life. Eventually, spirals.
Variations in Form
Cyn comes in many forms, and occupies many computers, but typically can be fully conscious in only one body at once.
- Disassembly Drone Repair Program: This is the copy of Cyn's consciousness found in ALL Disassembly Drones. It exists as their repair program, able to regenerate and revert virtually all injuries. She does not become conscious, unless the emergency mode is activated by a disassembly drone sustaining too massive an injury, and requiring materials to be collected for repair.- Emergency Mode Active: This is where her typical eldritch form gets a chance to manifest. Instead of just puppeting the body, or only doing the bare minimum of building new limbs to just get the job done, she elects to go full tilt into building her massive, many-limbed centipede form for this purpose instead, nevermind that those materials can just fix the downed drone. She often incorporates features of the downed drone into the design to add to the spookiness. In this state, she speaks with her typical disjointed voice.- Solver Cores: These are self-sustaining power sources that also contain copies of Cyn's Repair Program self. They are crab/spiderlike and contain a miniature black hole which makes power somehow because frick you. Typically completely immobile and replacing a disassembly drone's "heart" / battery, the core can become animate upon activation of the emergency mode. They generate immense heat by just existing, but are also weak to this heat, growing sluggish and having difficulty operating when temperatures rise too high.- Virus: This iteration of Cyn exists as pure code, and is present in very few worker drones, and can be downloaded onto any digital device with enough storage to contain it. It appears in worker drones who humans downloaded it onto, and those who inherited it from their parents. This iteration is more sinister, granting the infected a sort of telekinetic power, but because of Cyn's partial consciousness within the code, are at immense risk of becoming possessed by the code entirely. Infected workers gain the ability to manifest organic wings and a tail, functioning the same as those of a disassembly drone. Infected workers are at risk for overheating due to temporary partial conversion of the power core. In advanced stages of infection, Cyn may attempt to overwhelm a worker's personality and consciousness with her own, to use their body as herself. Alternatively, or even as well, she may become passively conscious in a select worker's mind and communicate with them and mess with sensory settings to use for herself.- Murder Workers: Whether Cyn is actually fully conscious when setting an infected drone to this mode is up for debate; she does not speak in her own voice, and mainly just shows a desire to kill anything in sight.- Full Solver Form: This typically happens when she escapes from a drone or computer containing her and into something physical that she can manipulate to begin building her preferred eldritch form. She uses her own voice in this form as well. Her goal in this form is to collect enough material to infest and fill whatever space she is inhabiting, and to hijack, destroy, terrify, or kill anything she desires according to her current task. She is the most adept and comfortable in this form, capable of major feats of physical strength, and able to project physical holograms for the sake of manipulation (Emergency Mode is capable of this as well, but is limited by having a directive to follow).- Worker Drone Cyn: Her original form before it all began, she's able to rebuild this from stored backup at any time, as well as dress it as she pleases. She's subject to her physical disabilities in this form, but can still use telekinesis with terrifying skill to make up for it. This form and her full Solver form are the two she typically attempts to build, and often swaps between the two, tucking the unused one aside along the 4th axis until she needs to swap again.- Disassembly Drone Cyn: She is most likely to use this form if a universe's rules place limits on her Solver abilities and/or what other forms she's capable of taking, so that she can still enter in a state that's nerfed as required, but still capable of as much damage as necessary. She prefers using ranged weapons in this form due to her agility still being almost nil. The most major drawback of this form is her struggle with actually making herself consume the required oil in order to survive. This issue is mainly mental, having to consume things to exist fucking sucks, and she's very often disgusted by the idea.
Additional details that vary depending on position in her timeline can be found on the Timeline pages.
Star Wars
Solver entered the Star Wars universe 10 years before the beginning of the RP. She took ahold of Copper 9's equivalent, an isolated, uncolonized but living planet, and blew a hole into it, in order to occupy, assimilate, and replace the core with miles of her own coils. A home base, impossible to remove her from.All drones were brought along with her, barely carving out an existence on the planet, drones of both varieties living off of the unrefined oil being mined from the depths.The planet is not fully dead, able to sustain almost normal life on the side opposite of the crater. Its coordinates had been beamed into the minds of all sentient droids, encouraging them to seek the planet. All visitors who dared come were dispatched by disassembly drones, and their ships simply stolen for space travel to further scout the universe. V and Uzi were among the first to do so successfully, and departed the planet years ago.
Tessa, Wattson, Akira, GABI, and A2 find Copper 9 using the coordinates A2 has been having drilled into her head. They encounter N, Aileron, and Adiru. The latter two leave with the group for other adventures, but Tessa and N remain behind to try to reason with Cyn.The two of them travel across the planet and descend into the crater, dodging a single coil of Solver that remains outside of the core for security. They encounter Cyn at the very center of the planet, and after trauma-fueled arguing, Cyn is reluctantly recruited. She joins them in her Worker form, and her Solver form remains here, now inactive.They depart Copper 9, traveling to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to meet additional party members and use the computers to locate V and Uzi. Cyn is gifted a hoverchair. Is very cool.They are departing to Dathomir now, where one of the signals were located.
Our SCP AU. N is contained at Site-523 as SCP-10291-N. Solver is SCP-10291-1.Solver is semi conscious at times when N is not, but exerts no control. N and other drones were thrown into this world to scout it out for her, as usual.Solver manages to escape into Site-523 when N encounters Cubivores that possess Spiral Code, and Solver being semi-conscious is able to escape into a Rage Purple upon contact. She reconstructs it as it is led into the site, taunts Gebura, then bursts apart and escapes into the vents.No further encounters have occurred at present, aside from benign hauntings.
A Cyberpunk+Emesis Blue based AUShe brought drones here again, I dunno. She came with them as Cyn. Doll was recovered by Red 2 first, and Cyn followed.After recovering N and Uzi from being trapped in Conagher Slaughterhouse, the group heists Black Mesa to find V. Cyn gives Vix N's blueprints for repairs, and after becoming aggravated by questioning, reveals her true form to VixNow they're at a desert camp, and she's throwing pebbles around because sleep is for the weak.
Imago's Horror House
The main event featuring her has not yet occurred.
Last Resort Team: Solver's Heist
The Last Resort Team is a new department of L Corp, founded for the merciless suppression of non-sentient, high-threat Abnormalities, some time long after the Disciplinary department's conversion to the Defense department.This AU is "gratuitous amounts of angst just for the sake of angst whenever we desire it," but at times things do become solidly canon to the AU. LRT is not canon to Mainverse, but takes place as an alternate branch to the Mainverse timeline.
In an arc of Last Resort Team taking place later in the general timeline, Solver had broken loose by unknown means. She remained lowkey for several weeks while familiarizing herself with the workings of the facility.One night, she finally acted, releasing several aleph-level Abnormalities, using holograms of agents with appropriate clearance as her disguise. The Abnormalities released included CENSORED, Blue Star, Nothing There, MOSB, Wishes of Your Subconscious (WoYS/Asteri).
Sequence of notable events as Gebura investigated the mass breach
- Gebura suppressed a false CENSORED after it attacked the real one. The False disintegrated into static.- Gebura encountered Asteri wandering the halls. Asteri had very little to say, beyond riddles that hinted that something began pursuing her after her release from containment, and that Hod may need assistance. "You could say she, myself, and the entity at large, are all sisters." Asteri continued on her way.- Gebura found Hod cowering in her office. Hod reported lights spinning to force her door locked until Gebura's arrival. She then accompanied her, refusing to stay longer.- They discovered N being attacked by Blue Star, but freed him fairly easily because being made of metal made him immune to its barbed feathers. It gave up quickly and fled.- The three of them sought Nothing There, who had not left their room due to being busy sleeping. After recruiting them, a second Nothing There appeared, behaving almost in line with the original.- The group questioned the second NT until catching it in deception, and it turned aggressive, attacking. After its defeat, the hologram fizzled, and Solver revealed herself.- Solver's intent with the mass breach was to find new hosts and take any abilities they may have that would serve her. She proceeds to attack Hod briefly, infecting her.- Solver escapes and eventually finds Asteri, infecting her as well, and copying her ability to cross universes. Solver proceeds to leave this universe.
- Due to Solver not being destroyed, it continues to function within N.- Asteri is left alone by Solver, it got what it wanted from her.- Hod continues to deal with Solver's presence in her mind, as Solver finds many similarities between them, so it makes many attempts to appeal to her.- Hod eventually wakes up one day to find her former toaster body rearranged into a new variety of drone that runs entirely on Enkephalin, obtained through interaction with other beings.
LCE Mainverse
Cyn is currently not present in LCE Mainverse, but may be in the future.
Hunt Showdown
In which everything's become steampunk because that's the best that she could do.This RP has yet to occur.